terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012


--March of the Military Academy (Portugal)


The Military Academy (Academia Militar, in Portuguese) is a Portuguese military establishment, which has the ability to confer educational qualifications equivalent to a university. It develops activities of teaching, research and support for the communities with the purpose of training and forming officers for the Portuguese Army and the Republican National Guard.

* Marcha da Academia Militar Portuguesa - March of the Military Academy Portugal *

Words and music: Colonel Luis Miguel d'Oliveira Alcide
Performed by the Banda da Força Aérea (Air Force Band) led by Lieutenant Augustine Caineta

Nota:O autor, que agora é General, tem o nome trocado e é, como saberão, Luis Miguel Alcide de Oliveira, também um prestigiado pintor e retratista e ...engenheiro

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